Top 100 Best Whatsapp Status
Whatsapp users are everywhere and all are in need of putting best WhatsApp status on their WhatsApp profile.
Don’t you believe it? Just answer the below questions and examine yourself.
Are you in search of popular WhatsApp Status that could express your thoughts, your feelings?
Are you looking for best WhatsApp Status that could put a smile on your friends, family or colleague face?
Are you looking for impressive WhatsApp Status to impress your girlfriend or to impress your boyfriend?
Are you looking for motivational WhatsApp status that could motivate someone?
Do you want to be the supplier of WhatsApp Status in your circle?
If your answer is yes, then your search is over now. The 99digest team understand how difficult, frustrating and time consuming it is to search for best WhatsApp quotes, status for your contacts.
A dedicated team of always fill up all your status needs including WhatsApp status in Hindi, WhatsApp status in English, cool status for WhatsApp, Love WhatsApp Status, and many more.
Few of the top 100 best status you can utilise as below.

Love WhatsApp Status In English
You’re The Smile To My Face And The Beat To My Heart.
One Day, I Caught My Self Smiling Without No Reason, Then I Realized I Was Thinking Of You.
I’m Addicted To The Way I Feel When I Think Of You.
There’s only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you – I Love You.
In Early Morning When i Awake Up i want to see U In front of my Eyes..
Love is like a Air ..We can’t see it but! we can feel it..
Someone asked me How’s life? I just smiled & replied, She’s fine ..
Love is like the sun which coming out from the clouds and warming Ur soul.
Love is master key of opening a gate of happiness.
True Love = No doubts + No jealousy + No worries then life is good
Love WhatsApp Status In Hindi
क्या क्या रंग दिखाती है जिंदगी क्या खूब इक्तेफ़ाक होता है, प्यार में ऊम्र नही होती पर हर ऊम्र में प्यार होता है।
तेरी याद क्यों आती है, ये मालूम नहीं, लेकिन जब भी आती है बहुत अच्छा लगता है।
मोहब्बत किससे और कब हो जाये अदांजा नहीं होता. ये वो घर है, जिसका दरवाजा नहीं होता।
धड़कनों को भी रास्ता दे दीजिये हुजूर,आप तो पूरे दिल पर कब्जा किये बैठे है।
मेरी ज़िन्दगी के “तालिबान” हो तुम…बेमक़सद तबाही मचा रखी है।
इतनी मनमानीयां भी अच्छी नही होती,तुम सिर्फ अपने ही नहीं मेरे भी हो।
जो मैं रूठ जाऊँ तो तुम मना लेना,कुछ न कहना बस सीने से लगा लेना।
दिल का मौसम कभी तो खुशगवार हो जाये,एक पल को सही तुझे भी मुझसे प्यार हो जाये।
ये तो इश्क़ का कोई लोकतंत्र नहीं होता,वरना रिश्वत दे के तुझे अपना बना लेते ।
उनकी चाहत में हम कुछ यूँ बंधे हैं कि वो साथ भी नहीं और हम अकेले भी नहीं।
Attitude Status In English For WhatsApp
My personality is who I am and my attitude depends on who you are.
I never insult people I only tell them the truth.
I’m cool but global warming made me hot.
Always remember you are unique, just like everyone else.
I’m not virgin, my life fucks me everyday.
If some one hate you without any reason, then Give them a reason.
May my enemies live a long life to see my success.
I don’t have an attitude!! I have a personality U can’t handle!!!
People say I have a dirty mind, But Im say its just creative! !!
My words are like a china phone. They have no guarantee!
Adopt a right attitude make you the negative thinking to postive thinking!
Attitude Status In Hindi For WhatsApp
जीना हैं तो ऐसे जियों की माँ-बाप को भी लगे उन्होंने शेर को जनम दिया हैं.
पिता की दौलत पे क्या घमंड करना, मजा तो तब हैं जब दौलत अपनी हो और पिता घमंड करें
रेस वो लोग लगतें हैं जिन्हे अपनी किस्मत आजमानी हो, हम तो वो खिलाडी हैं जो अपनी किस्मत के साथ खेलते हैं
तम्मनाओ की महफ़िल तो हर कोई सजाता हैं, पूरी उसी की होती हैं जो तक़दीर लेकर आता हैं.
इतना Attitude मत दिखा पगली, मेरे phone की बैटरी भी तुझसे ज्यादा hot हैं
Bhai Degree तुझे किसी भी कॉलेज में मिलेगी पर, नॉलेज तो तुझे मेरे Status से ही मिलेगा.
दो हाथ से हम पचास लोगों को नही मार सकते, पर दो हाथ जोङ कर हम करोङो लोगों का दिल जीत सकते है
हमें शादी का कोई शौक नहीं है यारों , ये तो आने वाले बच्चों की ज़िद है की मम्मी चाहिए
Valentine तो बच्चे मानते हैं, हम तो सीधा करवाचौथ मनाएंगे
कुत्तें भोक्तेन हैं अपना वजूद बनाये रखने के लिए और लोगो की ख़ामोशी हमारी मौजूदगी बयां करती हैं
Friendship Status In Hindi For WhatsApp
ज़िक्र हुआ जब खुदा की रहमतों का, हमने खुद को खुशनसीब पाया,तमन्ना थी एक प्यारे से दोस्त की, खुदा खुद दोस्त बनकर चला आया|
दोस्तो की दोस्ती में कभी कोई Rule नहीं होता है और ये सिखाने के लिए, कोई School नहीं होता है|
सच्चा दोस्त अपनी सेहत के समान होता हैं जब हम उसे खो बैठते हैं तभी उसका महत्त्व जान पाते हैं।
दिल से दिल बड़ी मुश्किल से मिलते हैं, तुफानो में साहिल बड़ी मुश्किल से मिलते हैं,यूँ तो मिल जाता है हर कोई, मगर आप जैसे दोस्त नसीब वालों को मिलते हैं.
करनी है खुदा से गुजारिश, तेरी दोस्ती के सिवा कोई बंदगी न मिले,हर जनम में मिले दोस्त तेरे जैसा, या फिर कभी जिंदगी न मिले..।
दोस्तो से टूट कर रहोगे तो कुत्ते भी सतायेंगे, और दोस्तो से जुड़ कर रहोगे तो शेर भी घबरायेंगे.
हम आज भी शतरंज का खेल अकेले ही खेलते है, क्यूंकि दोस्तों के खिलाफ चाल चलना हमें नहीं आता है!
तेरे जैसा यार कहा, कहा ऐसा याराना, याद करेगी दुनिया, तेरा मेरा याराना !
इतिहास के हर पन्ने पर लिखा है, दोस्ती कभी बड़ी नहीं होती, निभाने वाले हमेशा बड़े होते हैं.
सच्चा प्रेम दुर्लभ है, सच्ची मित्रता और भी दुर्लभ है.
Friendship Status In English For WhatsApp
Friendship Is Just A Soul Trapped Inside Two Bodies
A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain of you even if you are fooling everyone else.
Great Friends Are Hard To Find, Difficult To Leave, Impossible To Forget.
Everyone need a good friend but there are only few who want to be good for their friends.
Finding a best friend is tough, keep the friendship is tougher.
A friend will always make you smile, when you don’t want to
I can’t promise to solve all your problems but I’ll promise you won’t have to face them alone.
True Friendship Is Not Being Inseparable, Its Being Separated And Nothing Changes.
A good friend would bail you out of jail but your best friend would be the one sitting next to you saying, damn that was cool.
My friends are the weirdest, most craziest people I know but I love them.
Cool Whatsapp Status
Self confidence is the best outfit, Rock it and Own it.
In “Success” all depends on the 2nd letter.
Life is like riding a bicycle to keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Train your mind to see good in everything.
Can I borrow a kiss… I promise I’ll give it back.
Your looks don’t make u Beautiful, it’s the person inside who makes you beautiful.
Always smiling, because yur smile is a reason for many others to smile! 🙂 Smile please 🙂 !!
I love listening lies When I know truth.
I am not perfect, I am limited edition.
Home is a place where I look ugly and enjoy it.
Life Status For WhatsApp
There is always something to be thankful for.
Life is too short to waste on hating other people.
It only take one person to change your life and its ‘U’.
Find someone who can change your life, not your Relationship status.
The Greatest pleasure in life doing what people say you can’t do.
Sometimes it is the smallest decision which can change your whole life.
Everything Ending is just a new beginning.
Truth of life is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride and noting is guaranteed.
Success is the sum of small efforts, with repeated days in and days out.
Life is never easy for those who Dreams.
Motivational Status For WhatsApp
If you don’t make mistakes in life, you are not really trying.
The future belongs to those people, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Don’t wait for the right path. Find it and GO !
Don’t wait for opportunity, come forward and create it.
Fake it until you make it.
Forget the failures and work hard for success.
You will not get better tomorrow, if you are thinking about the yesterday.
Work until you will complete your milestone.
Making mistakes is better than faking perfections.
There is no elevator to success, you have to take stairs.
Best WhatsApp Status For Dating
Date someone because you already see a future, not because you want to see if you would work out.
If money grew of trees, girls would be dating monkeys
I’m not Thin, Drop Dead Gorgeous, or Rich. I am Honest, Generous, Loyal, and Loving.
I’m not single, I’m just romantically challenged.
Don’t get made at the person you’re dating. They were your choice.
Advice to women: Date like a man and you’ll never get hurt.
If Facebook is like dating, then Twitter is like a one night stand – it’s fun while you’re doing it, you finish in like 5 minutes, and you feel real cheap afterwards.
Be careful, whats done in the dark comes to light sooner or later. Better hope what u playing around with is worth losing what u have.
Marriage is a fine institution, but I’m not ready for an institution.
If I were Nike and you were Mcdonald, I would be doing it and you would be loving it!
So, above is just a small collection of various types of WhatsApp Status categories. Many more categories available on 99Digest with a huge collection of Best WhatsApp Status.
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